Bayern 2:1 Fiorentina

The Fiorentina loses the battle of the Allianz Arena after to have disputed optimal a separated one. The goal of Kroldrup it holds lives the hopes of Viola for the contest of return, penalized from a contest direction to say little scandalous. In the contest of the year the Fiorentina sfodera the spirit of the Champions, decided to find again if same after a difficult month. The Bayern di Van Gaal is an adversary much frightening one and oltretutto it is in great form.

In field – Claudius Cesar Prandelli melts the doubt on centers them defensive: to the flank of Kroldrup he plays Been born them. The 4-2-3-1 with Jovetic behind Gilardino is the better possible formation, with Bolatti on median beside Montolivo and De Silvestri and low external Gobbi, people in charge of the doublings of labelling with Marchionni and Vargas on the two phenomena of the Bayern, Ribéry and Robben. Louis Van Gaal is entrusted to a 4-4-2 that becomes a 4-2-4 when the exteriors attack to support of the two tips Gomez and Müller.

Fulminating Departure of the Bayern is played – that sinks quickly on the right with Robben, that it burns Hunchbacks and it arrives on the bottom: the defense viola closes in some way and answers quickly with a conclusion imprecisa of Marchionni. The rhythms are forsennati and the Bayern has a recurrent topic: launch Ribéry and Robben with unexpected verticalizzazioni on the two corsie. The Fiorentina holds the 10 blow and to ‘ Gilardino in pressing tries to take advantage of a misunderstanding between Van Buyten and Butt. Three minuteren more late are Gomez to earn the space for the shooting from position defiladed on verticalizzazione of Lahm: Frey puts us the gloves and the mirror closes it. Al 17 ‘ Gilardino leaves in contropiede but it slips at the crucial moment. A minute after viola grazes the advantage with Been born them that svetta on according to pole on the stiff punishment of Vargas from the right, but centers them defensive crushes on the bottom. The Bavarian answer is in the left from the limit of Ribéry, that it finds ready Frey to the beaten again one on its shooting stiff but centers them. The fastest contest, with the squares a lot lengthened and fulminee ripartenze. A hard participation of Van Bommel on Montolivo forces the Ovrebo arbitrator to put hand to the cartellino: the crushed captain hard work to resume itself. Little after the half hour the defense viola closes well on the percussion centers them of Robben, then Demichelis svetta in area on the corner of Van Bommel but it does not frame the door. The Fiorentina answers with a left from the limit of Montolivo, outside target; same rising for a destraccio from the limit of Gomez. In the end of Robben time it is get loosed. Before Muller servants after a coil from the right with one dig phenomenal, with Frey and Been born them good to close; a minute after seeds the panic, is centralized but its left is telephoned, easy preda of Frey. Gilardino has an occasion but it comes contrato at the moment of the shooting on assist of Marchionni. The Bayern finds for a last acceleration before the end of the first time, and is that of the advantage. Robben goes via in dribbling and serves Ribéry, hindered from Kroldrup on the escape of Frey: in ambush there is Gomez that is looked at to cancel the goal for the precedence hisses of Ovrebo. Arjen Robben transforms the penalty with a shaving and which crossed left that spiazza Frey and the Bayern passes in advantage to the third minute of recovery of a first time a lot fought.

In the resumption the Bayern is introduced in field with Content Diego in place of Van Buyten. The Fiorentina leaves again convinced, bad, with quickly dangerous Vargas to the cross. The Bayern grants to the 5 meters and to ‘ minute the Fiorentina pareggia: corner from the right of Marchionni, wrong control of Jovetic and Vincente right of Kroldrup, skillful in the insertion on according to pole and in the conclusion before between pole and the porter. For ten minuteren the Bayern accusation the blow, but the Fiorentina does not succeed to take advantage of the ripartenze. Al 60 ‘ Robben seeds the panic clearly leaving from the left and jumping Been born them, dangerously behind schedule. Its cross low crosses all the mirror of the door but nobody does not take part. A minute after the Dutch is ready to towing after a beautiful action on the left of Ribéry and Müller: its left shaving sibila on the bottom, giving the optical illusion of the goal. Van Gaal changes the brace of attack inserting Olic and Klose. Al 66 ‘ Vargas rejects on the line a insidioso sudden decision of Demichelis, then is Olic to try the left without fortune. The defense viola is forced to the extraordinary ones, with Kroldrup and Frey attention on the low footballs from the bottom of the exteriors of the Bayern. From time to time the Fiorentina tries the break, but Vargas and Marchionni kick too much from far away in order making badly. Al 73 ‘ Ovrebo expels Hunchbacks for a clogging with high elbow on Robben. The call is strict and Prandelli runs to the shelters, replacing Jovetic with Felipe, that it quickly endures an entrance to hammer from Klose, solo admonished from the Norwegian arbitrator. With the Bayern viola in ten imbastisce an authentic siege, while Prandelli throws within Donadel and Pasqual for Montolivo and Been born them. On the credit side 88 ‘ the Bayern has a colossal occasion with Klose that kicks highest on the assist from the right of Lahm. On the credit side 89 ‘ the fattaccio: sassata of Robben from the limit, rejected of Frey, sudden decision of Olic for Klose that of head puts within… in fuorigioco of two meters. Ovrebo and the guardalinee of it do not notice and grant the goal. A mannaia on the head of the Fiorentina that resists in apnea till the fourth minute of recovery. The rejected one of Frey on the last one sassata of Robben is the symbol of the great pride of a Fiorentina that did not certainly deserve to endure a similar one twisted. Now to Florence it will serve the Victoria, but the anger for the error of Ovrebo will be hard smaltire.

The key – the error of false Ovrebo the final result, compromising a contest fought and interpreted with great pride from the boys of Prandelli. The Fiorentina has quickly too much, above all in according to time, but Klose did not have to be in field and the guardalinee had to see fuorigioco a a lot clearly.

The chicca – Ovrebo is the same arbitrator of Chelsea-Barcelona of the slid year: after to have denied three rigors the heads of household a rissa was get loosed furious. Unfortunately the satisfied Fiorentina custom office, has once again not been to the height.

Top&Flop – Frey makes all those that it can, closing to oltranza together to the stoici Kroldrup and Been born them. Gilardino is too much single, Robben is literally imprendibile, Ribéry a thorn in the flank, the Butt porter seems the ring weak person of the chain.

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